I Have Been Away For A While Because Of The Recent And Latest Arctic Blast In The US!

Now it is time to play a little catch-up. I have got to get some more writing done!

If any of you have experienced some inclement winter weather, this might be a good time for you to do the same!

As aspiring or accomplished authors, we sometimes have to take the time we are allotted to write based upon what daily life allows us to do.

Just grab a pen and paper, or whatever medium you choose to use, and knock out a few words at the very least! Every little bit adds up in a big hurry! Trust me on that!

You might be glad that you did!

Our time is fleeting, so we must make the very best of it!

I will definitely be trying to do the same!

When Life Interrupts, We Must Still Remember That We Need To Keep Writing, No Matter What!

I have written about this many times, but I will say this again! It took me 25 years and an unfortunate incident to allow me to get my primary book series published.

I was so glad that I did!

Bermuda's Secret in Paperback

The feeling of accomplishment was FANTASTIC!

Just think about this. If you never gain traction, you might never get your dream accomplished.

These are just a few words of encouragement to you all to spur your writing ambitions along!

That is it for now!

Until next time–KEEP WRITING!

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