Another Dismal Weather Day Offers Another Opportunity For Us To Write!

As we all struggle to rid ourselves of what has been a very dismal winter–at least for us–we need to take advantage of the not so good weather to get back to our writing.

I must admit that I have been very lethargic in this horrific winter that we have had, so far, in 2024.

Unfortunately, 2024 did not start well for me. I am sure that, at least some of you out there can relate.

Nevertheless, if we are to be writers, then we must persevere, and constantly pursue our goals.

I have said many, MANY times before that we must simply clear the time needed and simply get down to the business of writing.

Until we truly do that, then we are just fooling ourselves, and believe me, I have done that over many years, so I know what many of you must feel right now.

When we have–or think that we have–the writing bug in us, we must always strive to pursue that nagging “writing bug” that we know or feel that is within us!

Since We Believe That The Writing Bug Is In Us, Then There Is Simply One Thing That We Can Do!

Hmmmm. What is that, you might ask?

Think about it for a moment or two.

Wait for it to take hold.

If you have grasped this concept, then the only logical answer is to simply……………..WRITE!

After all, remember the age-old quote that the journey of 1,000 miles simply starts with that one small step!

The key is that all that we have to do is take that first daring step!

Sometimes, that might be easier said than done though!

After all, it took me over 25 years to get my main book series published, copyrighted, and out there on Amazon’s KDP platform.

Bermuda's Secret in Paperback

I must admit that it was a total labor of love, and a very time-consuming one at that. I was very glad that I persevered at it though, otherwise, it would not be copyrighted and here either!

I definitely remember that tedious journey!

I Just Want To Encourage All Of You To Do The Same Thing That I Did, But Maybe A Bit Faster!

Believe me, the writing bug is a very hard one to shake, and even though this new year has not been kind, I still need to take my own advice, and put the hammer down and get to writing again! Once you are published, there is always that gnawing feeling to do even more writing!

Not only me, but all of you other authors, or aspiring authors, need to do the same thing! I’ll tell you, the feeling is phenomenal!

Well, that is it for now! Until the next time–KEEP WRITING!

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