Even If You Have Good Weather, But Some Time, You Should Write!

Sometimes, we have good weather, but have nothing else going on for the day, then that is the time that we should repurpose for working on our books, papers, and whatever other writings that we might be working on. As I have said many times before–time is our scarcest resource. Because of that fact, we […]

I Have Written A Little Bit Today, And So Can You!

The weather today was absolutely night and day from what we have had in the last several days. Despite the weather being GREAT, there still was very little activity in the physical world. I promise that this “off the cuff” post will be short and sweet. We can simply choose to write whenever we wish […]

Writing Our Literary Works Needs To Be Done Whenever We Have A Little Extra Time

The title seems to make perfect sense, but for many of us, finding that time can be tedious at times. Nevertheless, we all need to strive to carve out that time whenever we can find it, since time is a very scarce resource, If we truly want to be successful in this writing endeavor that […]

Another Dismal Weather Day Offers Another Opportunity For Us To Write!

As we all struggle to rid ourselves of what has been a very dismal winter–at least for us–we need to take advantage of the not so good weather to get back to our writing. I must admit that I have been very lethargic in this horrific winter that we have had, so far, in 2024. […]

I Have Been Away For A While Because Of The Recent And Latest Arctic Blast In The US!

Now it is time to play a little catch-up. I have got to get some more writing done! If any of you have experienced some inclement winter weather, this might be a good time for you to do the same! As aspiring or accomplished authors, we sometimes have to take the time we are allotted […]