Kindle Vella Episode #14 Has Been Published

My First Venture into Amazon KDP’s Kindle Vella Is Only One Episode Away From Completion

As I have mentioned in previous Kindle Vella posts, if this is available to you where you are located, I believe that this is a good way to spur your writing projects along, while also seeing periodic progress as you do so to keep the motivation to write intact.

This is very important because it keeps us motivated to write, and that is a very good thing.

Amazon’s Kindle Vella is Growing. Hopefully, It Will Expand To More World Markets Soon.

For those of us in the US, and anywhere that it has since grown to, this is a great tool for us to get our writing out there with more efficiency.

Please Feel Free to comment, and until then, KEEP WRITING!

J. Lynn Brown aka Niceman
J. Lynn Brown aKa NICEMAN

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