You’ve thought about it for a while, so now let’s get that book written!

There may be many things that hold us back, but we need to make the time to get that book that is within us out in the open!

It really IS that simple when you stop and think about it! If you don’t start writing the book that is within you, then WHO will? Exactly! No One will!

The hardest part, truthfully, is starting the book. Then, as each new day passes with you adding material here and there, your baby–the book–continues to grow.

So what is stopping you?

Is it fear? Is it procrastination? If not those, than what is it? Surely not lack of time. One can reduce TV and find a few minutes each day to write, as an example. If you really want to do this, then a way can always be found to make it happen.

Even one sentence a day, or even better a paragraph a day will be a GREAT start, and you can build on that with each successive day. Keep doing that, and you will be surprised at how quickly you will have written a book!

Take that leap of faith and get to writing!

J. Lynn Brown aka Niceman
J. Lynn Brown aKa NICEMAN

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