Worried About World Events? Take a Break and Write!

When all the news and world events seem to be getting worse every single day, we must realize that, as individuals, there is not much that we can do to change all of that!

Therefore, I submit that we should address something that we do have a little control over, and that is to write!

These writing activities serve us in at least two ways. First, we can get our minds off of those worldly things, and second, we can further forward our writing goals.

Sounds like a “win-win” situation to me!

Let’s get down to business!

No matter when things don’t go our way, these circumstance allow us to redirect the negative events into positive events by continuing our writing ventures!

When life gives us those lemons, then we can simply make lemonade with them instead. We can, therefore, turn negatives into positives, as mentioned above.

With This In Mind, What Are You Waiting For?

Small progress daily will get us to our goals! I wish I would have recognized this over 25 years ago.

It took what could have been a tragedy in late 2015 to get me re-motivated to write!

I doubled-down on the writings that I had accomplished back in the late 80s and early 90s, and over the next 6 years finally got my Bermuda’s Secret Series written and published.

Bermuda's Secret in Paperback

I made magnificent lemonade when life had given me lemons. Riding on that wave of enthusiasm, I also wrote several stand alone books along the way too!

The same goes for all of you! You can do the exact same thing!

I will be writing a book over the coming winter that addresses a major problem that I had over the summer, and whether it makes a lot of money for me or not, it will be a welcome release on my mind, once I know that the information is out there.

So Let’s All Get Out There And Write!

Time is limited each day, but we need to carve out that 15-30 minute block of time each day to write.

That is the only way to further our goals as authors or aspiring authors!

Everyone has at least one book in them.

Until next time, KEEP WRITING!

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