Rainy Days Make For Good Writing Opportunities!

It seems that on rainy or other inclement weather days, my writing muse really rears its head. For me, that is a great opportunity, and the same could also be true for many of you, as well. It all depends on what job that you have, in many cases.

We can all do this.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t like going outside in the rain if I don’t have to!

I would much rather work on my myriad writing projects! There seems to never be an end to them.

My main regret is that I wasted a good 25 years in between my writing. Wow, what I could have accomplished! Let us all double down and get busy so that we don’t have any more of those regrets.

The time is now, for all of us to get busy, and get our passion down on paper. There is simply not another moment to lose!

If We Do This, Just Think of the Feeling That We Will Have When We Finally Get It Done!

Any time that I have to, I at least jot down notes when something comes to mind, I consider even that small task to be a small step in the right direction.

Small steps will eventually get us to where we wish to be in the writing arena! Everything adds up over time!

I can certainly attest to that.

Bermuda's Secret in Paperback

Just look at the long-time coming result of my first series: Bermuda’s Secret!

I am very proud of it, and no matter how long it took, it is there.

The process for the second Bermuda’s Secret series is moving slowly, but at least I have gotten it started.

All authors or aspiring authors can do the exact same thing.

In Conclusion, Let Us Not Let Time Slip Away! There Is Not Another Moment To Lose!

We must all take stock of our situations, and then figure out a way to set aside at least 15-30 minutes a day (more if we get on a roll), and get it done!

We must implant this into our minds, so that we can stay the course!

That is it for today! Until next time, KEEP WRITING!

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