My Second Episode in My Second Kindle Vella Excursion Has Been Published

You Can Do This Too, and if Kindle Vella Is Available Where You Are, I Encourage You To Try It Out

To me, this seems to make writing a book a lot easier, especially, if you are like me, and have a lot of other things on your plate.

Moreover, as I have said before, if you complete a Kindle Vella story, when it is completed, after 30 days, you can still leave it where it is, but also create an eBook, paperback, and even a hardback for potential readers who might favor those other formats.

Once Again, If Kindle Vella Is Available In your Area, At Least Give It a Try! You Might be Surprised!

It won’t be too much longer before I convert my first Kindle Vella experiment into an eBook, and paperback. Why not give it a shot?

Until next time, KEEP WRITING!

J. Lynn Brown aka Niceman

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