My Motivation To Get Back To My Writing Is Growing Daily!

There are some reasons currently beyond my control that are delaying my writing projects, but very soon, I will be able to get back down to business as usual! I cannot wait!

J' Lynn Brown

Has anyone ever felt that way about their writing ventures? If you haven’t, then you should! It will keep you motivated as you move through your “Author Odyssey”!

Motivation is definitely an ingredient that we authors and budding authors need in order to keep our momentum going. Without it, we would all be “dead in the water” concerning progress!

When We Recognize The Power Of This Motivation, This Reinvigorates Our Motivation To Write!

Since many of us are established writers, and others are starting out, we should take heart and always try to double-down on our writing!

We should do this literally every chance that we get to do so! There is no time to waste. With many people’s busy schedules, there are many times when none of us have any time to write.

We must recognize this fact, and make sure that we allot ourselves at least some time to write. There is really no other way, except old-fashioned, “nose to the grindstone” writing!

This was how, I finally managed to get re-started and get my first Bermuda’s Secret Series off the ground.

Bermuda's Secret in Paperback

Perseverance in doing this was key, and all in all, this was a 6 month to a year endeavor, so yes, it also takes a lot of time and commitment to accomplish all of this! There was also a lot of trial and error involved too!

How Do You Motivate Yourself to Write? The Answer Varies for ALL of us!

There simply is no one-size-fits-all method when it come to writing. We are all different, and hence, it follows that our writing styles will also, likewise, be different.

pen and paper

What works for one individual, might not work for another, and so on. There might be different routines when it comes to writing for all of us too–the times, places. and motivations could easily vary across the spectrum.

Setting Writing Goals Might Help Too!

If someone has trouble putting pen to paper, so to speak, then perhaps having a goal is in order. Something like writing quotas might also help, especially is there might be a bit of writer’s block too.

Perhaps scheduling fixed times to write might also work, as well! The ideas are endless, but once you find a method which works for you, hold on to it, because it will continue to serve you well far into the future!

Until then, KEEP WRITING!

J. Lynn Brown

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