More About The Historical Fiction Genre!

Sometimes, There is More that We Need To Know When We Select a Genre To Write In.

Let’s take a further look into the Historical Fiction Genre! There are some characteristics that we must explore concerning this genre, of which I have used for my 15-book first segement of my Bermuda’s Secret series.

First, we must ask ourselves, ‘what are 3 characteristics of historical fiction?’ The more we know about this, the better that we will ultimately write our epic on!

Historical fiction is a literary genre that essentially reconstructs past events in some of our fictional stories. The most common characteristics of this writing genre tends to add the inclusion of historical events and/or historical people or places, along with some fictionally invented scenes and dialogue.

In addition, there might or might not be some authentic and believable details added in throughout the story we are writing for good measure.

What Qualifies as a Story in this Genre?

According to some additional research that I have performed, here is a tentative answer to the question posed above:

Historical fiction tends to transport readers to another time and place, either real or imagined. Writing historical fiction requires a careful balance of research and creativity, and while it often includes real people and events, the genre offers a fiction writer many opportunities to tell a wholly unique story.

That is just one of the reasons why I love this genre! It gives us authors a lot of license to create what we have been holding inside of ourselves for quite some time. We should be able to release what is in our hearts, and put them onto paper!

With That Being Clarified a Bit More, This Should Embolden Us To Continue to Move Forward with Our Historical Fiction Writing!

This is what I have done over the last five years, and is what I will continue to do in my sequel series to bolster my Bermuda’s Secret series. This should also reinforce your enthusiasm to pursue your historical fiction writing endeavors going forward!

In Conclusion, You should Try to Pursue Your Dreams if You Wish to Write Some Historical Fiction!

Basically, you should ask yourself one simple question! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?

Think about that, and until the next time, KEEP WRITING!

J. Lynn Brown aka Niceman
J. Lynn Brown aKa NICEMAN

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