When I was seriously writing the books that made up the first Bermuda’s Secret Series, I kept my nose to the grindstone with my writing.
Admittedly, early on, I had already done some research on various companies and platforms that would help to get my books out there–long ahead of when they would actually be completed. The thing that I have learned is that book companies and some platforms are in constant flux and change.
For that reason alone, we should simply focus on what we are writing, as opposed to where it will ultimately be published. Many of those seem to change like the seasons, although there are a few which have had staying power in the market.
This is akin to “Putting the Cart before the Horse”. Do you see what I mean?
I Have Always Had the Writing Bug Ever Since I Was 11 Years Old!
When I was in the 5th grade, our teacher would read us a chapter for a Chronicles of Narnia Book series by C. S. Lewis. I was immediately enthralled by this! (I am 56 years old at the time of this writing.)
I was hooked, and I was also at the time watching Sci-Fi series on TV at that time, and a plan took seed in my head that I wanted to write something like that.
Since I liked to draw, I began creating my own imaginary universe in my mind, and then started drawing art pertaining to how certain things would look. I was likely between age 12 and 14 when I did a couple of these drawings. I have many many more, but I will save those for a dedicated post.
I still like these, but they were very crude.
After High School, I joined the US Army and began handwriting my new books while on guard duty. This came and went too. When I got out of the Army, I attended Kansas State University, and graduated there in 1996. I was already the owner of my budding locksmith business (which I still own), but there was simply no time for the books that I had envisioned
Since the decades intervening when these were done, my whole first series became situated in the US Civil War Era. This came after I suffered the loss of well over half of my right foot in 2015.
That was when I tripled down and started writing even harder during my recovery period.
Long Story Short, Just Get Your Ideas, Illustrations, and Associated Book or Books Completed Before you Shop Around For a Publisher!
It is perfectly okay to do some cursory research in these arenas, but my advice is to get the work done first! Many platforms and book publishers come and go, but when you get your work completed, those will survive under normal circumstances, and there might be a vast array of new ways to publish by that time.
Just my thoughts for today! Until then, KEEP WRITING!