Especially This one though!
This happens more and more frequently, and I will not allow myself to be absorbed into it because, as I have watched from the outside, people get accustomed to facets or nuances of it that are suddenly changed without notice, and sometimes within only hours or days!
For instance:
- Something might be Free, and then suddenly it isn’t
- Something might be the newest thing and people should gear towards that, and within mere minutes or hours, that changes too
- Something that is new can shake the foundation of most peoples’ tried and true systems in mere minutes, only to replace them with chaos or chaotic “thrown-together” processes.
I Could Go On and On About This, But I Am Sure That You All Get The Gist.
This is where my opinion comes in, because I like a little stability when I change technology, phones, computers, writing platforms, etc.–you name it. When I get used to something that I am familiar with and have become accustomed to, I tend to hold onto that for quite some time.
If you notice that when technology changes, it changes very VERY fast now. So fast, in fact, as with the case with the current “AI Craze” that, as fast as new products come out, they are obsolete in seemingly mere minutes, as some other “cutting edge” technology has already usurped it.
My problem with this is more that the gurus are fleecing the hungry masses. first enticing them with free services and then sinking the hook when they bite, and they end up being in way over their heads.
Fortunately, Or Not-So-Fortunately, Depending On Your Opinion, I Still Do Things The Way That I Am Used To Doing Them!
If that doesn’t work out for me, then that is alright, but so far, it is still working like I want it too!
For instance, the publishing platform that I use: Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing is changing up the way one has to list because too many people are simply submitting “robot-written” books!
Add too much technology too soon and way beyond normal people’s understanding, and you end up getting complete generic garbage, in my opinion!
A Final Note About AI is That Many Governments Are Getting Ready To Regulate It, so Beware!
My advice is that if you want to write a book, then do it how the real authors do it–PUT IN THE GRUNT WORK!
You will actually feel really good about that when you realize that YOU did it yourself! Whether it makes money or not, the feeling is still immeasurable!
Feel free to agree or disagree, and leave comments below if you have any!
Until then, KEEP WRITING!