I Have Just Finished Writing Episode 3 of My Story in Amazon’s Kindle Vella

If You Are Interested In Doing This Too, You Can, and So Far, Already 3 Episodes in, It Seems To Be Getting Easier.

This could be your chance to “Test the Waters” of becoming a published author. I was skeptical at first, but the more that I am writing in there, the easier it seems to be getting as it slowly becomes a habit.

Please remember that you need to make writing a habit, if you don’t, you will never get your book done! Once it is a habit, it becomes second nature, and we tend to do it automatically then!

Believe me. It does get easier!

1 Live, I Scehduled, and 1 Pending

I have now begun episode four, and then I will see what sort of tokens are required to unlock it when it goes live. Episode three will be released on October, 17, 2022.

You can always go to Kindle Direct Publishing and sign up for free, and check all this out for yourselves too. Of course, you must also remember that you still have to drive traffic to whatever you publish, or people might not ever find it. (There are millions of titles available there).

If you are reading this on my website, this is one way that I am trying to drive traffic to all the books that I have written which are live on Amazon’s KDP right now. My author page shows this. There are several Social Media sites that you can also promote your literary works on. You could also start your own blog too. There are many platforms you could choose to do this from.

The one that I use to do my blog on is Wealthy Affiliate. It is a whole lot more than a blog site though. It is actually a university of sorts on how to do internet marketing.

This could also open up a lot of potential opportunities for you to market your books, as well.

Wealthy Affiliate Advantages
Wealthy Affiliate: The Key to Success

The Choice of What To Do Is Completely Up to You and I

Now, my call to action to all of you authors or budding authors is, that if you haven’t already done so, then check out some of these resources!

Until then, Keep your dreams alive, and more importantly, KEEP WRITING!

J. Lynn Brown aka Niceman
J. Lynn Brown aKa NICEMAN

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