Further In-Depth Information on Kindle Vella in an Amazon Video!

As I Embark on Writing Episode 5 in My Story on Kindle Vella, I am Learning More Things all the Time!

Here is another video: Kindle Vella: A New Way to Tell a Story You should definitely check this video out as it further explains more about this incredible platform.

Moreover, I have been researching in other websites discussing Kindle Vella. There are some drawbacks to it right now since it is a relatively new platform that Amazon had recently rolled out.

Some Current Potential Disadvantages of Kindle Vella

Since this offering in Amazon’s KDP was launched back in July, it is still very new. This means that any work you do within it may not be found for quite some time. I’m not certain if the beta period is over with or not, but that is still not deterring me from writing episodes of my story in there. I am expecting that eventually Amazon will put some more marketing efforts into this new serial platform as more people venture into it to test out their writing skills.

The more authors or budding writers who choose to test the waters, the better. This might spur Amazon into starting marketing efforts, because, according to some videos that I have watched researching this, along with some articles I have read, the plans are to expand this platform out further than just the United States, soon.

I Believe There Will Be A Lot More Opportunites with Kindle Vella Which Will Allow Our Books to Be Discovered Easier.

The most important thing to realize, despite some current obvious drawbacks, is that Kindle Vella is live and currently available to the public. Since it is still not in the mainstream though, it will be hit and miss for a while concerning getting traffic to our literary works. Potential readers can still come across our content when perusing the Kindle store, but it will likely be by sheer luck to get found at this point. This will improve as Kindle Vella grows though, in my opinion.

During my research, there are some people who state that there seems to be no established ways how our stories are selected, especially with how they appear in the categories that we selected when we start them. All that can be seen when browsing Kindle Vella are how many chapters are available. If they actually have been read, then the total number of thumbs up are all that can be viewed. This is not how the ranking system for regular books is displayed in on Amazon KDP pertaining to ebooks, paperbacks, or hardbacks.

Please keep in mind that since Kindle Vella is in its infancy, as far as I can determine, it is only available in the US for both authors and potential readers. Of course, since I am a worldwide blogger, some foreign people that I blog with have told me that they can get the first three FREE episodes, no problem, but since they cannot purchase tokens currently in their country, they cannot unlock the critical fourth episode (this is where we can actually earn some revenue from).

Right at the moment, this is an impediment, but I suspect that Kindle Vella will be available to more markets as it grows.

Besides being limited to the US, Kindle Vella is only available on the Apple iOS Kindle app or through a browser interface. Owners of Android or Kindle devices don’t have access to Kindle Vella stories yet, unless their device supports the use of a browser. This is not totally confirmed yet; however.

Despite Some of These Impediments, I Believe That Kindle Vella will Mature.

I also firmly believe that Kindle Vella will assist authors who might write sporadically to learn to write a bit faster by being able to write their works in smaller chunks and see that they go live within 2-3 days after being submitted. This can encourage them to write even more.

A good thing that I found out from watching one of the Amazon videos concerning Kindle Vella is that, after 10 episodes and, I think a 30-day wait after being introduced within Kindle Vella, authors can then publish the entire work together as an eBook, paperback book, or hardcover book. This was a pleasant surprise for me, bacause, if true, that gives us three more avenues to further explore to get our literary work out to the public.

Let’s face it, there are some readers who prefer to read books in a serialized manner, and this affords those readers the option, meaning that we can potentially gain one more traffic avenue.

I’m Still Planning on Writing Episodes to My Story in Kindle Vella.

I feel like Kindle Vella will gain traction. In the meantime, I am able to write my book at a more relaxed pace, so it will be a ‘Win’ no matter what. As I’ve said before, you can do this too!

Until, next time, KEEP WRITING!

J. Lynn Brown aka Niceman
J. Lynn Brown aKa NICEMAN

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