Finally, Kindle Vella Episode #8 Has Been Published!

If Any of You Have Not Tried Kindle Vella, Why Not Give It a Try?

I am of the belief that Kindle Vella might eventually become huge, while right now, in its infancy, there are still many things lacking. We must remember though that growth takes time!

I am using Kindle Vella to resurrect a manuscript that I wrote in my early 20s (I am 55 years old as I write this post). I like that I can repurpose this “future” book that I wrote a long time ago using the method of writing Chapters–or episodes, as they are called–to get this daunting task accomplished.

Why do I say daunting? I say this because this is a typewritten manuscript over 900 pages long that I am breaking down into 3,000-3,500 word increments in each episode. Moreover, as I am doing this, I am also adding new material as I painstakingly revamp this all important manuscript.

The Good News Is That I Can Turn The First Ten Episodes Into A Stand-Alone Book After 30 Days Of Them Remaining In Kindle Vella! (You Can Too!)

I have decided, though, to extend the first “story” to 15 episodes instead of 10. Kindle Vella requires at least ten episodes before you end a story from what my research has shown. The beauty part of this, as I understand it, is that you can keep the Kindle Vella Story live for those readers who like the format, but you can also offer the entire story as an eBook, paperback, or hardcover book too.

I must admit that I have not yet ventured into the hardback portion of KDP yet, but I plan to very soon–perhaps it will be a 2023 New Year’s resolution.

I am now working diligently on Episode #9, and it is coming along nicely so far. In the categories section of this site you can view some of my other Kindle Vella articles.

Don’t Take My Word For It! Try Kindle Vella For Yourself!

Until then, my good friends, KEEP WRITING!

J. Lynn Brown aka Niceman
J. Lynn Brown aKa NICEMAN

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