Does the current turmoil in the world bother you?

Why not take the time you are worrying about things and try channeling your nervous energy, instead, into writing a book!

This makes perfect sense, because, instead of worrying about things that, realistically, you cannot change, why not start writing that book that everyone has inside them?

If you feel that you are not a good writer, how do you know that, unless you have tried?

A simple exercise.

Why not sit down, take a deep breath, relax with your favorite beverage, and take pen in hand, your laptop, or other medium for writing and simply start writing down what is currently troubling you? There are no guidlelines here, Simply start writing whatever comes to mind.

It is truly not rocket science. Pen or computer in hand, just start writing whatever comes to mind, no matter how silly or nonsensical you might think that it is!

This gets the “creative juices” flowing! As you continue to do this, before you know it, you will likely already have a lot of content written!

In either blogging or writing, please remember that “Content is King!”

When you are finished with this writing exercise, take a break. Relax! Review what you have just written a little while later.

You might be surprised with what you have been able to write with no one looking over your shoulder and critiquing!

Edit out what ever you decide to, but the important point that you need to recgnize is that you have done the critical first step of making a start! The initial step can be the hardest, and then slowly, but surely, this first step will gain traction and will make you more confident of getting everything that you are currently feeling out on paper!

You will also find that writing becomes easier every time that you do this! In fact, in my opinion, the more writing that you do, the better your writing will get! After all, as the old saying goes, “Practice Makes Perfect”. It is totally true, especially if you are motivated to get better at writing!

Try to set a mere fifteen minutes somewhere in each day to practice on your writing! (There are 1,440 minutes in each day)

Surely fifteen minutes is not too much to ask! Of course, you really have to want this to start to become a bona-fide author!

You can take your mind off of a lot of the troubling turmoil in the world today by simply starting these writing exercises. Moreover, you can also finally get a book written too in the bargain! It sure seems like a “win-win” situation to me!

Let’s get that book written and bring the author within yourself to life!

J. Lynn Brown aka Niceman
J. Lynn Brown aka NICEMAN

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