My Second Episode in My Second Kindle Vella Excursion Has Been Published

You Can Do This Too, and if Kindle Vella Is Available Where You Are, I Encourage You To Try It Out To me, this seems to make writing a book a lot easier, especially, if you are like me, and have a lot of other things on your plate. Moreover, as I have said before, […]

Kindle Vella Episode #11 in My Kindle Vella Experiment is Now Complete

If You Are An Aspiring Author You Might Wish To Explore Amazon’s Kindle Vella If you are writing, and you struggle sometimes with coming up with more inspiration (also known as Writer’s Block), this might be just the ticket for you. Kindle Vella essentially allows you to write your book chapter by chapter (called Episodes). […]

Finally, Kindle Vella Episode #8 Has Been Published!

If Any of You Have Not Tried Kindle Vella, Why Not Give It a Try? I am of the belief that Kindle Vella might eventually become huge, while right now, in its infancy, there are still many things lacking. We must remember though that growth takes time! I am using Kindle Vella to resurrect a […]

A Quick Update on My Kindle Vella Journey

It Seems to Be Getting Easier and Easier While this is a new platform in Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing, it will surely gain more traction as more authors discover it and try it out. I have not published any more results of the episodes that I have consistently been putting out in this endeavor, so […]

Further In-Depth Information on Kindle Vella in an Amazon Video!

As I Embark on Writing Episode 5 in My Story on Kindle Vella, I am Learning More Things all the Time! Here is another video: Kindle Vella: A New Way to Tell a Story You should definitely check this video out as it further explains more about this incredible platform. Moreover, I have been researching […]