As The World Seems To Devolve, This is The Time To Write!

We all see the news and the mayhem around the world right now! Rather than remain upset about this, why not, instead, go to the “happy place” and write?

There are things in the world going on right now that we cannot change, but, perhaps, we can still use these sad events to our advantage as writers.

When all of these events that we cannot control are happening, why don’t we also take a break and do some writing? Looks like a GREAT question to me! Let us put that into practice regularly?

If We Don’t Try to make a Positive out of a Negative, then when will we do it?

I would submit that the perfect time to do this is NOW!

Otherwise, when would be the best time to write?

In essence, this is something that we all need to figure out, but if we continually watch the news feeds of the events going on around the world, there is only so much that we can take.

I suggest that we could repurpose some of this time to further our writing goals!

We can immediately go from being distressed, to instead, being transported into whatever we are writing about!

How cool is that? We can escape from reality, if only for a short–but productive–time!

When the World seems to Be falling apart at the seams, let us all make the most of it any way that we can!

As authors or aspiring authors, this is what we should be doing every single day!

When we are able to do this, then we can at least escape reality if for nothing more than 15 to 30 minutes, while at the same time furthering our writing goals. Translation: Being productive!

It is truly a “win-win” situation if you take a moment to stop and think about it!

Always keep that computer or note pad handy when an idea for your writing pops into your mind. This will ultimately serve you well in the future.

Time is our most precious and scarcest resource. It can never be replenished!

That is all that I have for today!

Remember to try and live life to the fullest, and also remember to KEEP WRITING!

J. Lynn Brown

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