Why do we feel that we must write?

How did we get bitten by the writing bug?

Do you want to write or have your ever wanted to write? Is there a need to write that will leave you feeling unfulfilled if you do not successfully write a book or some other literary form?

I know that for most of my life since I was 11 years old, I have wanted to write my own book (or books). What inspired me was my fifth grade teacher who read us the entire Chronicles of Narnia series by C.S, Lewis! I knew that I had been bitten by the “writing bug” right then and there!

At that age, I had also watched TV series like Battlestar Galactica, among others. In addition, I have always been a history enthusiast, especially the American Civil War. I guess that led me to combine a whole lot of these elements into one big fictional fantasy/sci-fi/alternate history story.

A small portion of the original Bermuda’s Secret Manuscript from the late 1980s.

The story has simply become a lot bigger over the ensuing decades since I manually typed the 700 page original book, a portion of which is shown in the above image. I have plans for a sequel series to the current 15-Book Bermuda’s Secret series, as well as a re-write of the manuscript above.

I have just told you the main reason why I feel that I must write.

I have dabbled in writing some other books, and I am proud of a couple of them. I have several manuscripts in draft in various stages of completion currently too, though I am not sure all of them will ever be published.

Now analyze why YOU want to write!

You need to dig deep within yourself and ask yourself why you feel that you must write.

  1. Perhaps you have had a story in you for a while that you would like to get out there in the world.
  2. Maybe you feel like you have some story or other information that you would like to communicate to the masses. (Bloggers often do this on a daily basis).
  3. You might feel that you have an interest, viewpoint, or hobby that you’d like to write to stimulate interest of others.
  4. If you are an activist, you might wish to write in order to attempt to spur others to action in support of your cause
  5. ADD YOU OWN REASON HERE. The list goes on and on and you could write a book on that subject alone.

No matter what your reason is, discover it, and then take action and write that book, play, poem, song, screenplay, or blog post!

J. Lynn Brown aka Niceman
J. Lynn Brown aKa NICEMAN

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