Small eBooks can be written quickly!

These can be used for various enticements and CTAs on our websites.

The GREAT thing is that they don’t have to be very long, but what they DO need to have in them is valuable content–especially if we are trying to entice your readers to a CTA (Call to action).

Obviously, valuable content does not have to take much to purvey to people who will avail themselves of this book via purchase or as a CTA enticement! You would really be surprised!

Even a novice author should have no issues turning out a small 5-10pp eBook!

If nothing else, even a measly paragraph a day will get you a small eBook in short order!

Try working on a short eBook as an exercise! Just a page a day will get you to your goal in short order!

Discipline in setting aside 15 minutes a day to write without distraction will reap rewards. You will be surprised at how quickly that you will reach your goals!

Persevere and get to that goal! Not only will you achieve what you wanted to do, but you will feel so much better and emboldened to do more once you achieve it!

Until then, KEEP WRITING!

J. Lynn Brown aka Niceman
J. Lynn Brown aKa NICEMAN

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