How To Write a Book and Publish it Online.

Here are some agreed upon steps doing just that with some further explanation

  1. Write a compelling book
    • This will involve a bit of research on your part. I, myself, because I am essentially a fiction writer, do not have to worry about this sort of thing. I believe that my book will be compelling to a certain group of readers.
  2. Choose a publishing platform and create an account.
    • I prefer Amazon KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing). It is FREE to start an account there, and it is an easy step-by step process. There are many other platforms out there online, and I checked on a few of them. Do your own diligence , and make an informed decision.
  3. Format your manuscript for publishing on whatever platform that you choose.
    • For my choice, Kindle Direct Publishing, Word Docx is ideal.
  4. When you have edited your manuscript and it is ready, upload the future ebook.
    • The great part with KDP is that after your manuscript is uploaded, if you discover an error later, you can upload an edited manuscript while the current manuscript is still a live eBook, when that one goes live the other one disappears, so you don’t miss a beat.
  5. Decide upon your desired publishing date for your eBook.
    • I have tried this both ways. My first several books in my Bermuda’s Secret series were ready to upload the day I did everything, but once I figured out that this was going to be a series, I began to set a publishing date one to two months in the future. This helps to build up hype for the book. There were some people who pre-ordered the book.

With these first five steps taken, you are well on your way to success. There are still a few things you might wish to consider, and this is where I have been remiss in the past. Unless you are lucky, your book might not gain any traction at all, unless you use perfect categories to place your book.

Below are some optional steps to consider:

  1. Build your team to launch your book.
    • I don’t know what this is, I am a solo writer, but I suspect it means that if you can afford to employ freelancers, then you should definitely do so. In a perfect world, we could all do this, so if you are able to do so, then by all means, at least try it!
  2. Try to create hype for your new ebook.
    • This can mean advertising, but it can also mean going into Social Media to stir up interest in your book project!
  3. Finally, you can publish your new ebook!
    • This is straightforward in Amazon’s KDP. It is an expertly laid-out publishing platform.

This will get you started on what you need to consider when deciding if you are going to write an eBook.

There will be other more indepth posts concerning what you should look for to use for promoting your new book. There are so many resources out there.

Due diligence is key!

Make sure you do your due diligence to assure yourself that the platform that you use to launch a book is the one that you really want or that will work best for you!

J. Lynn Brown aka Niceman
J. Lynn Brown Aka NICEMAN

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