My Writing Season Is Rapidly Coming Up!

With Fall upon us, and Winter not lagging too far behind, I know that I am going to have to seriously buckle down and get ready to do some more writing.

Sure, I blog every single day, but I need to put some more emphasis on writing some more books too!

The blogging that I do keeps me fine-tuned for more writing as an author! If any of you don’t blog, you should definitely try it!

I use Wealthy Affiliate for my blogging. I have been a member there coming up on 6 years now. I have a few websites too, so there has been some blogging done there as well.

This constant blogging helps to keep me sharp, so that when I am working on my books, I feel warmed up to doing the necessary writing. In fact, this website is hosted by Wealthy Affiliate! How cool is that?

As An Author or Aspiring Author, Is Your Writing Season Coming Up Too?

However you choose to do your writing, just make sure that you set aside some time daily to do it. As little as 15 minutes will suffice if you are just getting started out!

You will find that, as you progress, that time might extend out a little longer each day. That means that you are making progress, and trust me, that is a very, VERY good thing! It means that you are getting better and better.

Sure, there will be be days when you feel discouraged or defeated, but that only means you to to strengthen your resolve on the next day!

All of us have experienced this before–BELIEVE me!

The main thing is get started writing, build on it little by little, and before you know it, you will have achieved your goals!

Small Steps Daily Will Get You To Where You Wish To Be!

I promise you that, and once you are an author, the feeling will be immeasurable!

Bermuda's Secret in Paperback

You can definitely trust me on that one!

That’s all for now, until next time–KEEP WRITING!

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