My First Volume in the Teramissian Chronicles Will Be Live Soon!

For those of you not familiar with this, it is simply the start to the second Bermuda’s Secret Series!

This first former Kindle Vella story will also now be available to be ordered as an eBook on Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing! It is still also still available as a Kindle Vella story, as well.

I finally decided to get it published. With the current turmoil in our world, we have to realize that there is really no time to lose when we are trying to further our endeavors.

I must admit, that though it was a small effort, I feel like I am moving forward again! I think that all of us like it when we move forward. It is beneficial to the soul!

Bermuda's Secret in Paperback

This was the first Bermuda’s Secret series! I must admit that I am still very proud of it!

This Just Goes To Show What You Can Do When You Put Your Mind To it!

I wished I had not let almost 25 years pass before I finally got to finishing that initial series! Hindsight is 20/20 though. No sense crying over spilled milk.

The main thing that you must know is that, while we are alive, we still have time! Don’t experience the same regrets that I have had.

Believe it or not, a mere 15-30 minutes daily will get you to where you wish to go if you are an aspiring author and are serious. Take advantage of that while there is still time.

You never know how everything will ultimately turn out until you do the work!

Why not try it out for at least a day or two? You have nothing to lose and everything to potentially gain.

If nothing else, just jot down an outline and perhaps some notes. That sure will not hurt.

Then continue to build on that in those 15-30 minutes each new day. You will find that these efforts add up in a hurry. You might actually surprise yourself at what you can accomplish!

As Authors or aspiring Authors, this is what it takes. As with any profession: put in the work and Reap the Rewards!.

Please remember that writing is a passion. These books that we write will long outlive us. It can be our legacy to future generations.

Think about that for a moment!

Until next time–KEEP WRITING!

J. Lynn Brown aka Niceman

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