Mondays Can Be Hectic, But Then They Can Also Inspire The Writing Muse!

Why do I say this? For many, Mondays can be viewed as a hectic interruption to the weekend, and also the start to another new week. Since, I have been self-employed for over 33 years, for me, Mondays can be either busy or quite relaxing.

Lately, in the current world we live in that is spiraling out of control economically, it is a GREAT day to get some writing done. Truthfully, ANY day where one can spare some time, can become a super successful writing day!

After all, we never truly know what opportunities await us with each new day, or for that matter, if we will even be part of the new day! Because of this, I always try to remind people do some writing for at least 15 minutes a day, if they can!

If You Are Serious About Becoming a Writer, Then Take Every Opportunity That You Can Get To Write!

When the writing muse tickles us, we need to grab some paper and a pen and jot down the ideas, no matter where we are at the moment.

By writing it down, we tend not to forget it so easily, since life today is full of so many distractions that it can really interfere with what we are trying to accomplish, but that can interrupt what our train of thought was in the first place.

I first wrote on legal pads long hand, and then typed them over to the computer, whereupon, I printed each book and put it in a binder (above), and this was before I ended up publishing them as eBooks on Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing!

Then, eventually, I ventured into the paperback realm of Amazon KDP!

Bermuda's Secret in Paperback

After some trial and error, I finally got it done, and I was quite pleased with the tangible result of my writing.

What I am talking about is something that anyone who is an author or budding author, can do! Don’t ever sell yourself short, no matter what is happening, be it a hardship or anything else!

You really have to WANT this, and if you do, then you simply have to persevere!

My Morning Post Is Now Concluded, But Just Remember! If You Want This, Then You Must Make This Happen!

It took me quite some time to make all of this happen, and it is still ongoing. Now, technology makes this so much easier to do then when I got started!

This is likely the best news for budding authors or even established authors to spur them into more publishing!

Think About It Long and Hard! Until then, KEEP WRITING!

Jeff and the Blog Dogs

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