Kindle Vella Story #2, Episode #9 is Published

This is feasible for everyone where Kindle Vella is in Full service.

Even if it is not yet available in your area, there is still a way to do essentially the same thing in Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing platform. The only difference is that you can write One Chapter (read Episode) eBooks. (I recommend about 3,000 words).

When you have completed TEN of these 3,000 word “Chapters” (essentially “episodes”), you would then have a small book series!

I have corresponded with several budding authors and have advised them on the same thing. Kindle Vella will eventually expand to other countries, but the timetable for that to happen is still questionable.

Final Thoughts and Encouragement

All of you can do this with my alternative method until Kindle Vella is available in your area!

No matter what, think it over, Feel free to comment or question, and until then, KEEP WRITING!

J. Lynn Brown aka Niceman

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