Very Cold Weather Is Another Ample Time To Write!

With Winter creeping up on us in Kansas, and the bitter cold weather discouraging us from being outside, what better way to be productive than to write? I must admit that with multiple tasks taking up a lot of my normal late Fall and Winter writing time, that I am also guilty of some procrastination. […]

The Day Before Thanksgiving Has Also Been Another Good Day To Write!

I have been a self-employed locksmith for almost 34 years now–the last few have been pretty paltry, but I still have to scratch out a living right now. Everyone, by this time knows how hard it is to scratch out a living in these recent troubled times! In my opinion, this has never been a […]

Another Cold Day Is Another Good Day To Write!

As I have said in many previous posts here, cold and dismal weather is an EXCELLENT time to write! When we don’t wish to venture outside, unless we absolutely have too, then why note pursue our writing endeavors? What an opportune time to do so, if ever there was one! As Authors or Aspiring Authors, […]