Do You Have Some Extra Time On Your Hands? Why Not Work On a Book Project?

This will likely be another short post, but it is designed to motivate you as you move forward with your writing endeavors. All of us know that there never seems to be enough time in a day to get what we wish to accomplish done. That being said, this would mean that there is literally […]

Time Is Ticking Towards My Fall And Winter Writing Projects!

To say that I am ecstatic is an understatement! There are a lot of factors which will determine when I actually get started on the one major book project, and putting the finishing touches on a stagnant book project too that I want to get done this year. When the weather turns bad here in […]

Motivation & Inspiration To Write Can Come From Anywhere!

We just never know where we might get inspiration and motivation to write from, but we must always embrace those “Ah Ha” moments when they descend on us! That is part of the excitement about writing: one never knows where and when the inspiration might descend on them, but as writers, we must always be […]