My First Volume in the Teramissian Chronicles Will Be Live Soon!

For those of you not familiar with this, it is simply the start to the second Bermuda’s Secret Series! This first former Kindle Vella story will also now be available to be ordered as an eBook on Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing! It is still also still available as a Kindle Vella story, as well. I […]

Starting a New Week, Let Us Hit The Ground Writing!

A new week usually brings positive prospects–a clean slate, if you will. One of the prospects is that it brings is another opportunity for us to write. We must remember that even as little as 15 minutes a day writing can certainly add up quickly. If we really want to write, then it is up […]

As The World Seems To Devolve, This is The Time To Write!

We all see the news and the mayhem around the world right now! Rather than remain upset about this, why not, instead, go to the “happy place” and write? There are things in the world going on right now that we cannot change, but, perhaps, we can still use these sad events to our advantage […]

Writing Is The Best Medicine When Everything Else Seems to Be Devolving Rapidly.

We all must believe that we are in some desperate times, and it can be very disconcerting. These events can affect all of us in many different ways. There is a slight possibility for us to recover, at least somewhat, by WRITING! This can allow us to escape briefly from everything that is troubling us. […]

With This Troubled World Today, Why Not Write?

Current troubling events being what they are, and all of us not being able to do very much aside from watching the grim events unfolding can be very disconcerting. No matter what, there IS something that we can do to escape reality for 15 to 30 minutes. I am guilty of this too, but with […]