Book And Even Story Ideas Sometimes Just Come To Us Off The Cuff!

Isn’t that amazing? I think that it is! When we have been writing and blogging for so long, this is how it sometimes works, and when it does, it is a total bonus! We should always embrace these moments when they come, because it is not often that they do, well for most of us, […]

My Motivation To Get Back To My Writing Is Growing Daily!

There are some reasons currently beyond my control that are delaying my writing projects, but very soon, I will be able to get back down to business as usual! I cannot wait! Has anyone ever felt that way about their writing ventures? If you haven’t, then you should! It will keep you motivated as you […]

I Tend Not To Mention AI Because I Am Skeptical Of Any New Shiny Object That Appears.

Especially This one though! This happens more and more frequently, and I will not allow myself to be absorbed into it because, as I have watched from the outside, people get accustomed to facets or nuances of it that are suddenly changed without notice, and sometimes within only hours or days! For instance: I Could […]

The Time Is Nearing For My Newest Book To Be Written.

The outline is essentially done, and the research has been accomplished. The only thing still needing to be done aside from writing it, is to give it the correct feel, since this is a true incident that provided me untold amounts of grief for approximately 4+ months–all, as it turned out, unnecessary! Why Am I […]

Mondays Can Be Hectic, But Then They Can Also Inspire The Writing Muse!

Why do I say this? For many, Mondays can be viewed as a hectic interruption to the weekend, and also the start to another new week. Since, I have been self-employed for over 33 years, for me, Mondays can be either busy or quite relaxing. Lately, in the current world we live in that is […]

Just Write Your Book! Worry About What Platform To Publish It On UNTIL You Are Done

When I was seriously writing the books that made up the first Bermuda’s Secret Series, I kept my nose to the grindstone with my writing. Admittedly, early on, I had already done some research on various companies and platforms that would help to get my books out there–long ahead of when they would actually be […]

Even Though I Am Having Some Issues With Kindle Create, I Am Still Pushing Forward!

Sometimes, in fact, MOST times, we as authors push against snafus that are beyond our control! That is the truth concerning any ventures that we embark upon in our lives. We must remain resolute, but also resilient in our ongoing endeavors toward our goals. Make no mistake, we must keep doing no matter what pitfalls […]