What Genre of Story Would You Like to Write a Book About?

The Different Genres Vary Depending Upon What Research We Perform Concerning What Type of Book That We Intend to Write As far as I can surmise from my research is that there are many different genres of stories that can be written, and we will take a quick look at a few of them in […]

Do Any Of You Ever Suffer From Writer’s Block?

Let’s Explore Some Ways To Defeat This Literary Scourge. On occasion, I must admit that I do suffer from writer’s block, but when I do, I finally gain traction, and then it is ‘off to the races’ with my writing. First, though, we must ask ourselves what causes Writer’s Block. What causes writers block? According […]

Further In-Depth Information on Kindle Vella in an Amazon Video!

As I Embark on Writing Episode 5 in My Story on Kindle Vella, I am Learning More Things all the Time! Here is another video: Kindle Vella: A New Way to Tell a Story You should definitely check this video out as it further explains more about this incredible platform. Moreover, I have been researching […]

Working Diligently in Amazon’s Kindle Vella Has Taught Me a Great Many Things, So Far!

The GREAT News Is That You Too, CAN Do This, As Well. As I have now finished knocking out the fourth episode and have just published it, I now know that it will cost a reader 33 tokens to unlock this episode. The 4th Episode (think chapter) has a little over 3,300 words, so I […]

Marketing Our Books Is Critical To Our Success As Authors

Marketing our Literary Works Can Be a Full-Time Job Without proper marketing, we cannot hope to even have our works seen, let alone read. That is a grim, but true fact. I am also guilty of not marketing the books that I have written, too. That is something that I need to definitely rectify very […]

I Have Just Finished Writing Episode 3 of My Story in Amazon’s Kindle Vella

If You Are Interested In Doing This Too, You Can, and So Far, Already 3 Episodes in, It Seems To Be Getting Easier. This could be your chance to “Test the Waters” of becoming a published author. I was skeptical at first, but the more that I am writing in there, the easier it seems […]

I Am Already Well Into Writing Episode 2 of My Next Episode in Kindle Vella.

If You Are considering Trying This Platform, It Might Be Worth Your While, Especially If You Are Unsure of Your Writing Ability As I am coming to understand more of Kindle Vella, I am convinced that this might be THE way to get your work out there sooner, as opposed to attempting to write a […]