Monica–A Love Story Has Been Released!

This one is close to my heart. I have been working on this book for a little over a year–not diligently, mind you–and it is finally finished and published as an ebook on Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing platform. The paperback version is in review, and I hope that all gets finished without any problems either. […]

I just published my Love Story book as an eBook and paperback on Amazon’s KDP!

The excellent part is that all of you can do it too! After having published 22 books on Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing platform, I finally got wise and downloaded Amazon KDP’s Kindle Create software! It made getting those manuscripts uploaded and published a LOT easier! This was an inspirational shot that I took while riding […]

I’m Currently Writing a Book about My Own Love Story

Having a personalized story that you relate to can definitely be the way to go when you are just starting out writing. It doesn’t have to be a love story either, just something you are personally familiar or involved with will suffice. This is because the story you are writing is a personal experience of […]

Faith Based Christian Thoughts to Help You Get Through Each Day in These Troubled Times

This is the newest book as part of a Holiday season promotion that I am doing to be published in both an ebook and a paper back! This new book of mine is offered on Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing platform! Here is the official blurb for this book, available as not only an ebook, but […]

I am writing a low-priced, inspirational Christian Morning thoughts book for the Holiday Season!

This is something that is a slight spin on a blog post that I read, which inspired me to do this. Has any one of you ever seized a potential opportunity based upon something or someone who inspired you? If so, then you know exactly what I am talking about here. I’m not hoping for […]

I have thought about doing an Image book with quotes over the images.

I recently read a blog post that intrigued me, and caused me to start a little research. I have plenty of images that I take daily for my blog posts that I write on a platform called Wealthy Affiliate of which I have been a proud member of for just shy of five years now. […]

What are the main characteristics that identify a good author?

We will now explore Seven characteristics that a budding or established writer should have. This should be interesting, but understand that these may not be the only characteristics necessary, but many agree that these questions that you need to ask yourself are the most important. Here goes: It would be helpful if you have a […]