Once the book is started, finding a way to keep the motivation going is paramount to the ultimate success in finishing the book!
Let’s think about this for a moment. This makes perfect sense. Without continued motivation, it can be really hard to get back into the writing. It is okay to take a day off from writing, but you should not make it a habit.
I’ve heard many learned people say that we should have a set time to work, and while that might be good advice, I tend to jot things down as soon as the writing muse hits me. When I do this, I am more likely to remember what I was going to write to add to the manuscript.
Any of you reading this will, no doubt, have your own ideas or method of doing this! Do whatever works best for YOU! If it isn’t broken and works, then don’t fix it.
I am simply showing you how I do things. Perhaps many of you do the same thing or close to it. When we are able to derive a book by whatever method we use, it is truly motivating, and believe me, motivation is necessary when you embark upon the journey of writing a book!

It took me solid, daily, work for four years, along with copious editing, to churn out the Bermuda’s Secret Series. 4,277 pages in paperback, somewhat less in eBook form, and it was truly a labor of love. Writing has been a passion of mine for most of my life, but there was a monstrous gap in between when I came up with the idea as a youth, and when I was finally able to double-down and get it accomplished. The feeling that you will get after accomplishing something like this is indescribable!
If you are currently writing a book, please stay the course. The feeling is tremendous, and you will not be sorry! In addition, you might just have a bestseller on your hands! We will never know this unless we work hard and get our work out there!
The most important step first is to just get started! After that, it seems to get a little easier as your project grows, just you like you had always imagined it when you might have been on the fence!
That is my “wisdom” for today!