Well. that is what has happened to me, and I am certain that this has happened to many others who wish to write!
Let’s face it–this happens to all of us more times than we can count, but we must not lose hope! Every bit of writing, no matter how small, that we can do propels us to our ultimate goals!
Any time that we have a chance to write, we should, at the very least, write! Even if it is to just jot down some inspirational notes, if nothing else!
I must admit that I conceived the inspiration and notes for my own series decades ago.
Over the years, my locksmith business took up a lot of my time. We all have distractions from our passion, and that is alright, but we must never give up on our ultimate dream–to be a published author!
As long as we are living and breathing, we still have the chance to do this, and do it to the fullest, as well. We must stay the course to pursue our passion!
Over 25 Years Later, I Finally Got My First Book Series Published!
Think about that for a moment. The passion always existed in me, but, as for many of us, life just got in the way! None of us are any different–life gets in the way!
I was ecstatic when the printed versions were published, and I finally felt vindicated after many years of frustration!
There has not been a lot of money made off of the series, but I made enough! It just shows what patience and perseverance can do, as long as we never give up!
We shall see as time progresses, how much more that I might be able to get done. The second series has one volume published, but I have also had several stand-alone books published since then too! I guess it is the thrill of writing that gets to me right now!
It should also resonate with you if you all are authors or aspiring authors!
Think Long And Hard About This! Write When You Can, and Even If It Is Only A Single Book That You Wish To Write–Get It Done!
You’ll definitely be glad that you did–I promise you! If nothing else, the feeling is euphoric!
That’s All I Have for now, until next time, KEEP WRITING!